2014年1月22日 星期三

Tim Legler Uses Telestrator to Put Tears and Frown on Carmelo Anthony

Tim Legler Uses Telestrator(註一) to Put Tears and Frown on Carmelo Anthony
Tim Legler用影片編輯器在Carmelo Anthony的臉上畫了哭臉

The New York Knicks' season is only getting uglier and uglier, as they've now moved to 15-26 and have lost four games in row after falling to the Brooklyn Nets 103-80. But the team may have reached a new low as their leading scorer Carmelo Anthony was shown with cartoon tears and a frown drawn on a telestrator by ESPN's Tim Legler.
紐約尼克的球季越來越糟。目前戰績來到15勝26敗,在以103-80敗給籃網後吞下四連敗。但球隊士氣可能再降到更低點,因為ESPN主播Tim Legler用影片編輯器在Carmelo Anthony的臉上畫下卡通的哭臉。

Anthony could be seen looking sullen(註二) on the bench after this embarrassing defensive performance.

註一:Telestrator 一種影片編輯器,主要讓使用者可以隨時暫停影像,在影像上隨意作圖。常用在分析球賽戰術或是氣象預報。主播可以利用觸控螢幕直接用手在上面畫圖。有推出許多App,讓球迷也可以變成運動主播做戰術分析,如下圖:

註二:Sullen 沮喪、愁眉不展
例句It is no use for you to look sullen.


