2013年12月24日 星期二

Andrea Bargnani Raises the Bar for Dumb Shots 2013/12/19

Andrea Bargnani Raises the Bar(註一) for Dumb Shots
Andrea Bargnani 提高亂投的標準

Just when New York Knicks fans thought things couldn't possibly get worse for their team this season, Andrea Bargnani went ahead and took things to another level...
當尼克球迷認為尼克這個球季已經糟到不能再糟時,Andrea Bargnanil 又把尼克帶到一個更慘的境界。

Bargnani's shot came with the shot clock off and 11 seconds left in overtime against the Milwaukee Bucks. The Knicks were up two at the time, a scenario that doesn't necessitate a shot, as the Bucks' only option to get the ball back was to foul. 
Bargnani 在和公鹿的延長賽時間還剩11秒時投籃。當時尼克領先兩分不需要投籃,因為公鹿只能犯規爭取到球權。

Bargnani paid no heed to that, though, and decided to jack up(註二) a three-pointer that clanked off the rim(註三), and Milwaukee was able to secure the rebound.
Bargnani 顯然沒有意識到這個情況選擇多投一個三分線,球彈框而出。公鹿搶下籃板。

The Bucks scored on their next possession, forcing double overtime.

註一: Raise the bar 
          raise 在這裡是指提高而 bar 是指一根桿子指一個人因為表現傑出而把整體水平拉高了 
           1. You certainly raised the bar! 你表現的很好!
           2. He certainly raised the bar for the three point shot. 他把三分球的水平拉高了

註二: Jack up 
例句: They are going to jack up the price of oil.他們將要提高油價

註三: Clanked off the rim
例句: The final shot was clanked off the rim. 最後一擊彈框而出

來源: http://ppt.cc/jOMn (bleacherreport.com)

